Vol. 12 Issue 5 - Newton, NJ - Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Sussex County students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are encouraged to submit a pin design for the contest and show their support and appreciation to the veterans of Sussex County. Read More...
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"Cram the Cruiser" Feeds Families in Need
(4/13/2018) Print this story
Over 40,000 pounds of food and $4,087.80 in monetary donations were collected at the second annual Cram the Cruiser food drive during the last two weeks of March to benefit the Sussex County Division of Social Services.
"Take Control of Your Health" Classes Announced
(4/26/2018) Print this story
Seniors or disabled individuals and/or their caregivers, who are dealing with chronic conditions or a disability, are invited to participate in “Take Control of Your Health” classes, sponsored by the Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior Services.
"Honoring a Veteran" at the Dorothy Henry Branch Library May 12, 2018
(4/9/2018) Print this story
On January 29, 1944, First Lieutenant Burt C. Wyman of the U.S. Army Air Corp’s Fourth Fighter Group, was shot down and killed during a combat mission over Belgium. More than 70 years later, his wristwatch and other remains from the crash site, made their way back to his family in Vernon, NJ. The story of this remarkable journey will be presented on Saturday, May 12 at 2 p.m. at the Dorothy Henry Library on Route 94 in Vernon.
June 2, 2018 - Household Hazardous Waste Day at SCMUA
(5/1/2018) Print this story
Dispose of lead & oil base paints, stains, thinners, pool chemicals, mercury, lubricants, chlorine, driveway sealer, fluorescent bulbs, household batteries and more.
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One Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860