Vol. 13 Issue 3 - Newton, NJ - Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Colorectal cancer is the most preventable of all cancers. The Sussex County Division of Health and the Sussex Warren Chronic Disease Coalition want you to learn more about colorectal cancer and what can be done to prevent it. This cancer affects men and women as well as all racial and ethnic groups. It is the third most common cancer in the U.S. and the second leading cause of death from cancer. Read More...
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"Take Control of Your Health" Classes Announced
(3/5/2019) Print this story
Seniors or disabled individuals and/or their caregivers, who are dealing with chronic conditions or a disability, are invited to participate in “Take Control of Your Health” classes, sponsored by the Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior Services.
New Jersey Health Commissioner Visits Sussex County
(2/25/2019) Print this story
The New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) Strategic Engagement with Local Health meeting was led by Dr. Shereef Elnahal, the NJDOH Commissioner. A site visit was conducted of the Division of Health and an overview of major agency programs and services was discussed.
County Office of Substance Abuse Services is Hard at Work Responding to Marijuana Legalization
(2/26/2019) Print this story
The Sussex County League of Municipalities has invited Coordinator of Substance Abuse Services and Municipal Alliance Committees Nick Loizzi and representatives from the Center for Prevention and Counseling to make a presentation at its meeting on March 21, 2019 to share information to help municipalities make an informed decision about the impact that legalizing recreational marijuana would have on our communities, residents, and most importantly, the youth of Sussex County.
Reconstruction and Realignment of County Bridge X-09
(2/26/2019) Print this story
The structural steel beams have been erected, the deck pans installed and the deck reinforcing steel placed. The deck concrete screed has been installed and a dry run performed. The remaining work has been discontinued and will re-commence when weather conditions permit placement of the deck concrete. Based on a potential April 15th re-start date, it is anticipated the project could be completed by mid-June.
Voting in New Jersey Is Easier Than Ever!
(3/5/2019) Print this story
No waiting, increased opportunities to cast your ballot, no long lines. Call your County Clerk and ask to have a Vote Early Ballot Application mailed to your address or download your application from the County Clerk's website.
Spring Photo Contest
(2/13/2019) Print this story
Enter Sussex County's Photo Contest for a chance to have your photo in County communications, projects and online throughout the year. Everyone is welcome to participate.
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One Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860 (973)579-0200