Vol. 15 Issue 5 - Newton, NJ - Tuesday, May 4, 2021
The Sussex County Division of Health continues to vaccinate our county residents at the Sussex County Fairgrounds with a drive-through vaccination clinic. The Division thanks Mike Richards and the Fairgrounds Board of Directors for the use of the Richards Building and continued use of the grounds to facilitate the administration of COVID vaccine. During the first week of May, the clinic will relocate to a tent at the fairgrounds to allow the fair to continue to expand their seasonal events.
Get Tested - In-Home COVID-19 tests available
Get Vaccinated - All who live, work, or go to school in New Jersey are eligible
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Sussex County Personal Assistance Services Program (PASP)
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The Personal Assistance Services Program (PASP) provides routine, non-medical personal care assistance to adults with permanent physical disabilities between the ages of 18-70 who are employed, preparing for employment, attending school or involved in community volunteer work and who are able to self-direct their own services.
A Week to Change Direction
(5/4/2021) Print this story
In the United States, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The County of Sussex and the Sussex County Mental Health Board/Local Advisory Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse have embraced the Change Direction Campaign. The campaign is a national initiative to change the culture of mental health in America so that all in need receive the care and support they deserve.
May the 4th Be With You at the Dorothy Henry Branch Library
(5/4/2021) Print this story
Vernon, NJ – Members of the 501st Star Wars Legion will be outside the Dorothy Henry Branch Library in Vernon on Tuesday, May 4, from 4-5 p.m. to celebrate Star Wars Day with family photo ops.

The Northeast Remnant is the official Garrison of the 501st Legion in NJ. Their diverse membership celebrates Star Wars by making appearances in screen-accurate costume to support local communities. Their visit to the Dorothy Henry Branch will support local food pantries, and they ask that everyone stopping by for photos bring canned goods to donate.
Open House at Sussex
(5/4/2021) Print this story
Sussex County Community College is excited to welcome guests back to campus for their annual Open House. Attend the Sussex Spring Open House on Saturday, May 15th with a rain date of May 16th. Students can choose from one of three time slots.
Town of the Month
Hardyston Township
(5/4/2021) Print this story
Hardyston Township was set off from portions of Newton Township by Royal charter on February 25, 1762. It was named after Josiah Hardy, who was royal governor of New Jersey from 1761–1763. The original British spelling of Hardiston was Americanized to Hardyston after the American Revolutionary War. (Wikipedia)
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