Department: Planning and Economic Development
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The Sussex County Economic Development Partnership is a public-private partnership dedicated to business expansion and retention in Sussex County. Funding for the SCEDP is provided by the Sussex County Board of County Commissioners (approximately 50% if total), private contributions and contributions from municipal government.
The New Jersey Department of Agriculture is charged with developing, promoting, conserving and supporting the agricultural and agribusiness industry of the state and those natural resources that are associated with agriculture and other open lands for the benefit of all the citizens of the state.
Information of watershed management, State parks and forests, Green Acres open space program, and more.
The NJTPA is the federally sanctioned Metropolitan Planning Organization for the 6 million people in the 13-county northern New Jersey region (including Sussex County). The NJTPA evaluates and approves proposed transportation improvement projects and provides a forum for interagency cooperation and public input into funding decisions. It also sponsors and conducts studies, assists county planning agencies and monitors compliance with national air quality goals.
The State Agriculture Development Committee (SADC) leads in the preservation of New Jersey’s farmland and promotes innovative approaches to maintaining the viability of agriculture in the state. The SADC provides grants to fund the purchase of development easements on farmland through the administration of the Farmland Preservation Program; offers grants to landowners in the program to fund part of the cost of soil and water conservation projects; administers the Right to Farm Program and oversees the Transfer of Development Rights Bank. They also operate the Farm Link Program which helps connect farm owners with farmers looking for farmland and farming opportunities.