Form Center
Department: Board of Elections
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- Board of Elections
- Removal From Voting Roll Form
- Mail-In Ballot Application Mail-In Ballot Application should be mailed to the County Clerk's office, 83 Spring Street, Suite 304, Newton, NJ 07860. To find out about application deadlines, or to see if you are eligible for a mail-in ballot, please call the County Clerk at (973)579-0900.
- Party Affiliation Form (294KB PDF) MAIL THIS FORM TO: Sussex County Board of Elections, 83 Spring St, Suite 305, Newton, NJ 07860. This form can be used for a registered voter to declare a political affiliation. You can declare your party affiliation at the polls without this form when you go to vote in your FIRST Primary Election. After that, or if you are already a member of a political party, you must change your party affiliation 55 days before a Primary Election.
- Poll Worker Application - Submit Online Application to be a poll worker in Sussex County. Applications are to be completed online and will automatically be submitted to the Sussex County Board of Elections.
- Sussex County Voter Bill of Rights Please visit this link to download a copy of the Voter Bill of Rights available in several languages. If you have any questions about your rights as a voter in Sussex County please contact the Board of Elections at (973)579-0950 or 83 Spring Street, Suite 305, Newton, NJ 07860.
- Voter Registration Form The voter registration form is available in English and Spanish. This form is used by residents to register to vote or change their name or address on their registration. An original signature is necessary to complete your registration. Please complete the required information and mail or hand deliver to the Sussex County Board of Elections at 83 Spring Street, Suite 305, Newton, NJ 07860. The deadline to register to vote is 21 days before the election.