VA Compensation Telephonic Claims Clinic
Can't find it? The Division of Senior Services may be able to help.
Call (973) 579-0555
Newton VA Outpatient Clinic
222 High Street
Newton, NJ 07860
Open Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by appointment
Provides primary care services for veterans in Sussex County and the surrounding areas. Services include; primary care, laboratory services, prescription monitoring as well as all other standard VA services. This location is also used to provide Telehealth Nutrition, Telehealth Social Work and Telehealth Mental Health Services.
Newton Medical Center
175 High St.
Newton, NJ 07860
Geri Moss, LPC, 973-971-4632 geraldine.moss@atlantichealth.org
John Lynch, LCSW 973-971-4779 john.lynch@atlantichealth.org
Open Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The True North |
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Community Hope
959 Rt. 46 E. Suite 402
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Veterans & Veteran Family Services
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and Community Hope's Hope for Veterans provides case management services and financial assistance to veterans & their families facing eviction & homelessness. Transitional and permanent supportive housing is available for homeless veterans in need of shelter, affordable housing and services.
Transitional Housing Program
Hope for Veterans Transitional Housing Program provides housing and support services to homeless veterans, aging-out youth & individuals who have experienced a recent psychiatric hospitalization or relapse.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Valley Brook Village for Veterans is a permanent supportive housing village for veterans in Northern, NJ. It is located on the VA NJ Healthcare System Campus in Lyons, Somerset County, where veterans can access on-campus healthcare and other services. Community Hope provides on-site support and employment services to help veterans establish independence in their new homes. Rental subsidy vouchers have been committed to the project to ensure that the housing remains affordable to low-income veterans.
Affordable Special Needs Housing Program
Affordable Special Needs Housing Program offers affordable housing to individuals with special needs including mental illness and disabled veterans. The rentals include individual housing units and shared housing in apartments and single family residences located throughout northern New Jersey. In shared residences, each individual is assured of their own bedroom and paired with compatible roommates.
Catholic Charities – SSVF (Supportive Service for Veteran Families)
1-855-sos-vets (855-767-8387)
Provides case management services and financial assistance to veterans and their families facing eviction and/or homelessness.
Services provided include: rental arrears, security deposits, utilities assistance, storage and moving fees. A representative will also be onsite at The Sussex County Division of Senior Services, One Spring Street Newton, NJ 07860 on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to assist with veteran service referrals and to provide case management to homeless veterans.
Homes for Veterans – HFV
Homes for Veterans modifies the homes of Military Families and Wounded Veterans, for free, to help our heroes to live barrier-free.
Sussex County Clerk's Office
83 Spring Street, Suite 304
Newton, NJ 07860
Open Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Veteran ID Cards
The Sussex County Clerk's Office offers free, Veteran's ID Cards to eligible Sussex County residents. Please contact the Office or go to http://sussexcountyclerk.org/veterans/veteran-i-d-cards/ for further details.
The Veteran ID Card affords participating businesses in the county an opportunity to say "thank you" to our military veterans by offering them a special discount on various goods and services.
Veteran's ID Discount Directory
Veteran Peddler's License
A Veteran Peddler's License allows the holder to hawk or sell goods or merchandise within the State of New Jersey without the need to apply for any additional peddler's license. Please contact the Office or go to http://sussexcountyclerk.org/veterans/veterans-peddlers-license/ for further details.
Newton VA Outpatient Clinic
222 High Street
Newton, NJ 07860
Open Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by appointment
Provides primary care services for veterans in Sussex County and the surrounding areas. Services include; primary care, laboratory services, prescription monitoring as well as all other standard VA services. This location is also used to provide Telehealth Nutrition, Telehealth Social Work and Telehealth Mental Health Services.
Newton Medical Center
175 High St.
Newton, NJ 07860
Geri Moss, LPC, 973-971-4632 geraldine.moss@atlantichealth.org
John Lynch, LCSW 973-971-4779 john.lynch@atlantichealth.org
Open Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The True North |
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National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
PTS (post-traumatic stress) Connection Support Group
P.O. Box 652, Sparta NJ 07871
973-865-0605 or 973-729-6534
This is a free recovery support group for veterans, police and first responders recovering from post-traumatic stress as a result of their service. The Program is led by trained veterans and first responders in recovery themselves and is held on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Bridgeway, 93 Stickles Pond Rd., Newton NJ 07860. Please call for more information.
Learn more about experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors, treatment options, self-help tools, and resources to help you reconnect and find hope.
Group therapy and peer support
Group therapy sessions can offer a supportive place for Veterans to tackle challenges together.
Sussex County Community College
One College Hill Road
Newton, NJ 07860
John Finocchiaro, Veteran Service Coordinator
The Change of Mission program helps veterans transition from military service to a college setting. SCCC has educated US Armed Forces personnel since opening in 1982. We are deeply committed to providing veterans with quality assistance and guidance throughout their academic career. A veteran, dependent of a deceased or disabled veteran, or active duty military member, may be eligible to receive monthly educational assistance from the Veterans Administration while enrolled at SCCC. In addition to assistance with GI benefits, we take pride in providing special personalized attention for all veterans and their families.
NNJ Veterans Memorial Cemetery
75 North Church Road
PO Box 82
Sparta, NJ 07871
Tel: 973-896-2460
The purpose of the Northern New Jersey Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Inc. is to create and provide a final resting place for the brave men and women who unselfishly served our country. This facility will commemorate our veteran's service to our nation. America's veterans deserve our gratitude and respect. This important burial facility will allow our valiant and noble veterans to rest in peace in a location that is easily visited by family and loved ones, friends and the community at large who want to honor those who have served our country and protected our hard-earned freedoms.
Project Help
Project Help, a 501c3 Charity, is dedicated to the welfare of veterans and their families. We work with them to provide essential services that will carry them through difficult times and put them on the road to success and fulfillment. We provide, not only basic needs, but continue with the veteran for as long as needed to assure their success and make every attempt to provide them with great employment opportunities.
Social Security's Wounded Warriors Service
Military service members can receive expedited processing of disability claims from Social Security. Benefits available through Social Security are different than those from the Department of Veterans Affairs and require a separate application. The expedited process is used for military service members who become disabled while on active military service on or after October 1, 2001, regardless of where the disability occurs. Please visit the Social Security Wounded Warriors web page for more information.
State of New Jersey Income Tax Exemption for Veterans
Veterans are now eligible for a $3,000 exemption on their Income Tax returns if they were honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States by the last day of the tax year. Their spouse (or civil union partner) is also eligible for an exemption if he/she is a veteran who was honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances and are filing a joint return. This exemption is in addition to any other exemptions that they are entitled to claim and is available on both the resident and nonresident returns. This exemption cannot be claimed for a domestic partner or for dependents. Please visit the website above for more information.
Veterans Diversion Program
The Sussex County Prosecutor's Office (SCPO) Veterans Diversion Program can divert eligible servicemembers away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate case management and mental health services as early as possible following an interaction with law enforcement where the servicemember committed a non-violent third or fourth degree crime, disorderly persons, or petty disorderly persons offense.
Newton Medical Center
175 High St.
Newton, NJ 07860
Geri Moss, LPC, 973-971-4632 geraldine.moss@atlantichealth.org
John Lynch, LCSW 973-971-4779 john.lynch@atlantichealth.org
Open Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The True North |
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Center for Prevention and Counseling
61 Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07821
Ayla Bower, Military Family Coordinator
The Center for Prevention and Counseling sponsors a free Military Family Nights Program for Veterans and Active Service Members. This is for all branches of the military and families who have a loved one that is deployed. The Program will provide family support, connections with other military families and community services, foster family interaction and assist with acquiring new ideas for daily living. The program includes dinner each week and up to $300 of incentives for each family.
Alcohol or Drug Problems
Learn more about alcohol or drug problems, treatment options, self-help tools, and resources to help you find healthier ways to cope.
Sussex County Skylands Ride
Veteran Transportation
201 Wheatsworth Rd.
Hardyston, NJ 07419
Open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Skylands Ride provides transportation for Veterans in Sussex County to the three VA Medical Hospitals and two clinic sites on a regular scheduled basis:
- Newton Clinic: Monday thru Friday (must schedule two days prior to appointment)
- Lyons: most Thursdays, arrivals at 10 a.m., departure at 12:30 p.m.
- East Orange: most Thursdays, Arrival at 10 a.m., departure at noon
- Castle Point (NY): one Thursday per month but call for dates (please call for date)
- Morris Plains Clinic: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, call for times, arrivals at 10 a.m., departure at noon
It is suggested that all appointments be made at least a week or two weeks in advance when possible.
The Kosa Veteran Support Center, Inc. (Catholic Family and Community Services)
48 Wyker Rd. Franklin, NJ
973-361-5555 ext 3008
Open Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sean Enright senright@catholicharities.org
The Center works in partnership with Catholic Family & Community Services to meet the needs of Sussex County veterans by providing a safe place for veterans to access support and resource services. Counseling services are provided by trained clinicians for both veterans and their families. Please call Sean to schedule an appointment.
Veteran Service Officer (VSO)
Sussex & Morris County
Franklin Armory
12 Munsonhurst Rd.
Franklin, NJ 07416
Open Thursday and alternating Fridays from 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Bill Robinson Bill.robinson@dmava.nj.gov
The Veteran Service Officer can assist with writing and submitting a benefits claim to the VA. These services are free of charge. The Officer can also assist with gathering any and all information that supports the claim(s). Once the claim is filed they will help track the claim through the system and can also help file an appeal for any denied claims. In addition, they can help identify benefits available from the state government that could reduce property taxes, provide educational assistance, and more.
New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (NJDMAVA)
NJDMAVA's mission is to deliver exemplary services to New Jersey Veterans
1-888-8NJ-VETS (1-888-865-8387)
The website at www.nj.gov/military/veterans acts as a portal to assist New Jersey's Veterans in obtaining information they need to access benefits and services more efficiently and effectively. We encourage you to contact the Department's Veterans Service Officers for additional information and assistance when applying for a program, benefit or entitlement. "Serving those who served" are more than just watchwords at NJDMAVA; it is a promise that we will support those, whose service and sacrifice have ensured this nation's survival.
New Jersey Veterans' Benefits Guide |
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Governor's Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse (GCADA) |