150 Morris Turnpike (Frankford Township)
Newton, NJ 07860
973-940-5225 Fax: 973-940-5227
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. except holidays
Before, During and After Mosquito Truck Spraying
Generally, there is no need to relocate during mosquito control spraying. The pesticides have been evaluated for this use and found to pose minimal risks to human health and the environment when used according to label directions. Although mosquito control pesticides pose low risks, some people may prefer to avoid or further minimize exposure.
Some steps to help reduce possible exposure to pesticides include:
- Listen and watch for announcements about spraying in the local media and remain indoors during the application to the immediate area. (Please remain inside for 15-20 minutes to allow the pesticide to drift through the area, or longer at your discretion)
- Plan your activities to limit time spent outside during times of possible insecticide treatments.
- Move your pets, their food, and water dishes inside during ULV application. Also bring clothing and children’s toys inside.
- Stay away from application equipment, whether in use or not.
- Whenever possible, remain indoors with windows closed and with window air conditioners on non-vent (closed to the outside air) and window fans turned off during spraying.
- Avoid direct contact with surfaces that are still wet from pesticide spraying. Do not allow children to play in areas that have been sprayed until they have completely dried (approximately one hour).
- If you must remain outdoors, avoid eye and skin contact with the spray. If you get spray in your eyes or on your skin, immediately flush and rinse with water.
If residents wish further information, they may contact Sussex County Office of Mosquito Control 973-940-5225. The National Pesticide Information Center may be contacted at (1-800-858-7378) or at the following link: http://npic.orst.edu.
Please Note: Treatments for adult mosquitoes will be performed on streets on a limited and localized basis within the specified areas. These applications are typically performed during early morning or late evening hours to reduce exposure to people and pollinating insects. Treatment time for a specific street is not possible. If the conditions are not ideal, the treatment will not be conducted or will be postponed to a later date.