Female Cancer Screening
Health education and instruction of self- examination skills to detect cancer in early stages. Physical examination for breast, uterine, and cervical cancer. Includes thin prep pap test, hemocult and referral for mammography. Grants are available if financial eligibility is met.
Delivery of high quality services to Sussex County residents in a county where the local needs frequently far outstrip available resources is only possible through collaboration and tight coordination of services among human service providers. The most recent County Wide Health and Human Services Needs Assessment Recommendations for Action identified collaboration as its number one recommendation.
Male Cancer Screening
Health education and instruction of self- examination to detect cancer in early stages. Physical examination of breast, prostate and testicles. Includes PSA blood test and hemocult. Grants are available if financial eligibility is met.
Delivery of high quality services to Sussex County residents in a county where the local needs frequently far outstrip available resources is only possible through collaboration and tight coordination of services among human service providers. The most recent County Wide Health and Human Services Needs Assessment Recommendations for Action identified collaboration as its number one recommendation.
Skin Cancer Screening
Health education and instruction of self-examination skills to detect skin cancer in early stages. Full body exam provided.
Delivery of high quality services to Sussex County residents in a county where the local needs frequently far outstrip available resources is only possible through collaboration and tight coordination of services among human service providers. The most recent County Wide Health and Human Services Needs Assessment Recommendations for Action identified collaboration as its number one recommendation.
SMA Blood Screening
The SMA is a 23-part blood test used to assess general health. It provides diagnostic information about many organs in the body for abnormalities and a complete blood count.
Delivery of high quality services to Sussex County residents in a county where the local needs frequently far outstrip available resources is only possible through collaboration and tight coordination of services among human service providers. The most recent County Wide Health and Human Services Needs Assessment Recommendations for Action identified collaboration as its number one recommendation.