This marker is located at 323 Lakeside Boulevard in the Borough of Hopatcong. The marker is located at the site of the former home of Hudson Maxim. Mr. Maxim was a famous U.S. inventor and chemist who invented a variety of explosives, including smokeless gunpowder. Parts of Mr. Maxim's estate remain today even though the original home is gone. This marker was placed in 2008.
"Maxim Park was the estate of famous inventor, Hudson Maxim. Purchased by Maxim in 1901, the property included a spectacular Venetian boat house, guest cottages, a laboratory, ice house/observatory, servant's quarters, tennis courts and garage. Maxim lived here until his death in 1927 and his widow kept the property until her death in 1953. While the main house and boat house were removed in the 1950's, Maxim's observatory, garage and two guest houses still survive today."
Photo courtesy of Cheryl (Delea)