Office of Weights & Measures
Phone 973-940-0614
Fax 973-940-0694
Hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Monday - Friday
Almost everything we buy is sold by weights, volume, length, count or measure. For example …a dozen eggs, a liter of soda, a yard of cloth, a gallon of milk, a pound of hamburger or a cord of fire wood. Since we don't carry a scale or measuring tape with us, how can we be sure a pound is a pound and an inch is an inch?
Many different devices are tested by weights and measures officials to assure that consumers get what they pay for and businesses do not give product away as a result of inaccurate equipment. Those devices include scales and price scanning equipment in retail stores, gasoline pumps, meters used for home fuel oil deliveries, scales used to weight bottled propane or similar products such as acetylene used for welding.
Another important job of weights and measures officials is checking packaged products to assure product content is correct as to what is stated on the label. They also check to assure that the advertised price or shelf price is the same at the checkout stand. Because of the inspections and investigations conducted by the men and women of Weights and Measures, New Jersey consumers can have confidence when shopping. However, consumers should also pay attention when making purchases. Small, seemingly insignificant errors can add up.
- Always check for the Weights and Measures seal, indicating a scale has been tested. Each registered business also receives a Registration Certificate which should be prominently displayed.
- Check to make sure scales are set at zero prior to weighing produce. If the weight display on a scale indicates a weight when there is nothing on the scale, bring this to the vendor's attention. Any weight indicated on the scale prior to weighing of your item will result in additional cost to you.
- Be cautious of scales which appear to be in poor condition. Scales with broken glass or those which are not level are more likely to be in error.
- Make sure the shelf price or advertised price agrees with the scanner price on your receipt.
- Request a specific delivery date and plan to be home at that time.
- Make sure the meter register reads all zeros before delivery begins.
- When the delivery is completed, compare the delivered gallons printed on the ticket with the gallons indicated on the meter register.
- Check for the seal indicating that the dispensers have been tested by Weights & Measures.
- Make sure the price on the sign is the same as the price on the pump.
- Make sure attendants have reset the pump to zero before filling your tank.
- Check to make sure your receipt matches what the pump registers prior to signing your credit card form.
- When having your propane cylinder (the type used for barbecuing) filled by weight, make sure the weight of the cylinder and any remaining propane is not part of the total weight you are paying for.
- The Office of Weights and Measures registers commercial timing devices ( vehicle parking meters, laundry drying, tire air pumps, car wash vacuums, etc.) annually.
- Check for seals and certificates indicating devices have been inspected.
All twenty-one counties have a Weights and Measures office. Cities with the need and/or having a population of 60,000 or more also have an office.
If you have a problem with a Weights and Measures issue try to resolve it with the manager or owner. If they can't resolve your problem to your satisfaction, contact the:
New Jersey Office of Weights and Measures
1261 Route 1 & 9 South, Avenel, New Jersey
Telephone 732-815-4840.