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Personal Assistance Services Program (PASP)
Sussex County Personal Assistance Services Program (PASP)
The Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services has many programs and services designed to help residents maintain their independence. One such program is the Personal Assistance Services Program which assists eligible Sussex County residents with financial assistance. The program is available to individuals with physical disabilities who do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid.
The Personal Assistance Services Program (PASP) provides routine, non-medical personal care assistance to adults with permanent physical disabilities between the ages of 18-70 who are employed, preparing for employment, attending school or involved in community volunteer work and who are able to self-direct their own services. The goal of this program is to support individuals with physical disabilities so they may remain active participants in their community. The PASP offers participants choice, flexibility, control and the opportunity to manage their own personal care assistance services. Eligibility is not income based.
A needs assessment is completed to determine the number of hours a participant will receive, up to a maximum of 40 hours per week. Hours are then converted to a monthly budget. A County Coordinator will assist participants with developing a cash management plan (CMP) to outline exactly how their monthly budgets will be spent based on their needs. The CMP includes details such as who they will hire, what services will be provided and what rates each worker will be paid. A fiscal intermediary service organization then distributes the monthly budget to purchase services as identified in the CMP.
Monthly budgets can be used to hire workers to assist with tasks related to personal care, household management, driving or using public transportation; purchase chore or errand services to assist with banking, shopping, cleaning, laundry, food preparation, or delivery of prepared foods; and purchase supplies and/or equipment to enhance or promote independence.
Participants can choose to hire friends, neighbors, family, independent employees or agency services. The program provides this important flexibility for individuals.
If you would like more information, please call the Sussex County Coordinator of the PASP Program, Lisa Lombardo at 973-579-5200, ext. 1370 or email her at