FEBRUARY 22, 2010

A meeting of the Sussex County Telecommunications Working Group (TWG) was held at the Sussex County Freeholder's Meeting Room, One Spring Street, Newton, N.J. on February 22, 2010 at 1700 hours.

The following TWG members were present: (affiliations noted)

  • John Drake, Chairman, Civilian/Former Member - N.J. 9-1-1 Commission
  • John Eskilson, County Administrator/Former Municipal Manager
  • Keith Armstrong, County Shared Services Coordinator, Chief of Police Ret.
  • Eskil Danielson, County Emergency Management and 9-1-1 Coordination Director
  • Joseph Inga, County Fire Coordinator/Fire Marshal
  • Stanley Dutkus Sr., Municipal Emergency Management/Firefighter, Lt. Ret. NJSP
  • John Richardson, Municipal Emergency Management/Firefighter/EMT/Councilman
  • E. Scott Danielson, Emergency Medical Services/Councilman/Warren Co. 9-1-1
  • Lt. Andrew Smetana, Fire Chief's Association/Police Corporal/PSAP Tech
  • Andrew Retz, Fire Chief's Association/Radio Tech
  • Bret Alemy, Police Chief
  • John Swanson, Police Chief/President, Sussex County Chiefs of Police Assn.
  • Anthony Kozlowski, Police Chief
  • Raymond Rafferty, Police Chief
  • Eileen Klose, Municipal Administrator

Also attending: Carl Lazzaro (1725 hrs.), Councilman, and Roy Wherry (1805), Police Chief

For about an hour, the TWG discussed their role as directed by resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, the Planning Guide for Public Safety Answering Point Consolidation, February 2010, by L. Robert Kimball and Associates and the projected cost of consolidation figures from the Sussex County administration. Much of the discussion centered around the fact that the degree of savings, if any, cannot be the deciding factor in the TWG decision. It was agreed that Next Generation 9-1-1 technology will be less costly for one countywide 9-1-1 center. It was also agreed that a single countywide 9-1-1 center would enhance efficiency and effectiveness thereby enhancing public safety countywide. The TWG supports the countywide center being a function of county government and recommends development of a combined 9-1-1 Communications Center/Emergency Operations Center.

After the lengthy discussion, Chairman John Drake called for a motion from the floor. The following motion was tendered by John Richardson and seconded by Raymond Rafferty.

The Sussex County Telecommunications Working Group recommends to the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders the findings of the report of L. Robert Kimball and Associates dated February 2010 and specifically recommends the consolidation of the six current Public Safety Answering Points into one county-administered and operated central 9-1-1 center in all respects.

The motion was passed unanimously without abstentions.