- Office of Records Management
Office of Records Management
The Office of Records Management works with all County and Municipal Agencies to improve the security and access for the records maintained by these Agencies. This Office was established in November of 2007 and is under the direction of Dan Freed - County Records Manager. We operate as a part of the Division of Information Technology under the Department of Central and Shared Services.
The New Jersey State Division of Enterprise and Revenue Services (DORS), Records Management Services sets the standards and policies that serve as the guidelines under which records management activities are conducted for all State and local agencies. There is a wealth of information to explore within this agency about the efforts underway to improve the security and access to information through the expanded use of eDocument technologies.
New Jersey also has a rich history that is reflected in the extensive collection of documents and artifacts maintained by the New Jersey State Archives . A trip to the State Archives is a great place to discover new things about the history of New Jersey.
Although Records Management sounds like a rather dry topic, there are a lot of exciting things happening within Sussex County, and across the State, to deliver on the promise of eGovernment. We are making significant progress with this effort which is already having a dramatic impact on the way Government manages information and makes it available to all users. Although the security of records is a key driver to protect against any type of natural or man-made disaster, we are actively looking for ways to take advantage of cost effective document management technologies. The urgency of these efforts become evident when you realize that the County of Sussex, together with its 24 Municipalities, currently manage approximately 54,000,000 document pages.
To get a better understanding of the work being done by the County to provide simplified access to public records we invite you to visit the following links shown below. Check back often as we continue to build this important resource. If you have questions or feedback please contact us.
email: records@sussex.nj.us
PH: 862-268-8016